This ultrasound pic holds a special memory for me. It is my 3D ultrasound scan that Nancy at Baby Glimpse took for me whilst pregnant with my second son. It was an experience that brought joy to me in a dark time, and gave me a way to reconnect after a period of disconnect.
I was 8 weeks pregnant with M, our second baby when my eldest brother Tuong was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. I did my research and figured if he ate the right foods and with the right guidance, he would be fine and it would resolve. Little did I know his condition would deteriorate from acute to severe over 3 months and there would be constant re-admissions to the hospital. My happy world was starting to develop cracks, my brother, a shining light in my life, had to surely survive.
Fortunately my OB suggested I see a counsellor to handle the stress when my brother’s condition didn’t resolved. She had my little baby in mind and didn’t want the stress to transfer to him. I remained positive throughout the pregnancy believing that my brother would win his battle. I was left feeling empty and the days were dark when he didn’t and left this world. I was then 27 weeks pregnant.
We had such a good support network around us, Tuong had many friends. One of those friends we had in common was Nancy. After the funeral, Nancy kind heartedly thought of my growing baby, and I, and gifted us a touching experience I will never forget and one that is invaluable.
She suggested to come along to her practice and to see my baby to be. I was still in a grieving state, and was just doing what I needed to cope. Excitement was an emotion I didn’t expect to feel but in the lead up to the appointment I was excited. Nance also suggested my mum come too as she empathised with how hard it would be to lose a child.
Upon contact of the cold jelly on my belly, we were completely amazed by the quality of the pictures and video. I saw my baby’s face clearly for the first time!
A 3D ultrasound provides a different glimpse to what you see at your obstetricians as a 2D blurry grey scan. Seeing my baby moving inside the womb was a poignant experience. And having my mum with me gave her and I hope for something to look forward to. Suddenly it all seemed so real.
I went away with new hope and a stronger bond with my baby! We left excited for this new relationship and was glad to have met my baby early.